The Standpoint Regarding Utilisation of Funds from the SAS Schemes
The presidium of Slovak Academy of Sciences adopted the following resolution on its meeting on 7th April 2022:
SAS provides a specific support to researchers through several schemes. Currently actively running schemes (ranked hierarchically) are the following:
- Compensatory allowance
- Štefan Schwarz Fund
- SASPRO 2/MoRePro
A support from more above-mentioned schemes is not possible being carried at the same time.
If a recipient of the compensatory allowance succeeds in the competition for support from a higher scheme, receiving the compensatory allowance terminates on the very same day when he/she starts to receive the funds from the higher scheme.
A recipient of the Štefan Schwarz Fund is expected successfully accomplish the project for which he/she has received the support first. He/she may apply for support from a higher scheme but in case he/she succeeds he/she shall start implementation of a new higher project only after the successful completion of the project supported by the Stefan Schwarz Fund.
In case he/she obtains the financial support from the SASPRO2 project scheme, or/and MoRePro, it is expected the recipient successfully accomplishes this project first. He/she may apply for support from a higher scheme (IMPULZ) but in case he/she is successful he/she starts to implement a higher project only after the successful completion of the SASPRO2 project, or MoRePro.
The researcher may apply for the support of a higher scheme only in the last year of the actual project. Projects cannot be cumulated for use in future years.